A Tarot Message for a New Start
A daily Tarot message.
If you are at a point in your journey where you are contemplating starting something new, this message if for you!
Before I share the message, let me break down the cosmic connection of this Major Arcana trifecta:
Temperance: Sagittarius and Jupiter is the planetary ruler
The Emperor: Aries and Mars in the planetary ruler
The Magician: Gemini and Virgo and the ruling planet is Mercury
So we are talking about expansion of opportunities, growth inspired by action and focused attention/intention and communications - all through fire and air.
Here is the message for you my LOVE.
There in never a perfect time to start.
There may be moments that are more opportune than others or the planets on a particular day may be perfectly aligned to encourage a favorable outcome AND in the bigger picture of this dance called life, no moment is ever the exact PERFECT moment to start something new or initiate the steps towards the new new in your life especially when it pertains to saying YES to your dreams and visions of soul evolution.
There most always is something that we perceive we need more of. More money, time, energy, ideas, creativity … a partner, fitter body, better hair… you get the picture.
The Tarot message today is that you have talent and wisdom from the life that you have lived. Root into what you do have available to you and know that to take the first step, you have all that you need. The Magician reminds you that as you begin to take action, the Universe will provide.
Waiting until “the perfect time” can be a thought that masks deeper issues such as fear, doubt and feelings of not being worthy of attaining what it is that you desire to bring more of into your life.
The cards are in your favor.
Trust in Spirit and trust in yourself.
It will be so worth, you just wait and see.
Mad Love,
Nicole P