🔮☕️Cafectio and Tarot ☕️🔮

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Can I Buy My Own Tarot Cards?

Image from Viva Luna Studios via Unsplash

There is a myth out there in many spaces that YOU must be gifted your first Tarot deck in order to start to learn and read Tarot.

The short and long answer is that you ABSOLUTELY can buy your own Tarot DECK!

I believe that this myth was one started during the times of "secret societies" and was kept alive to maintain elitest and exclusionary practices amongst esoteric seekers.

I believe that in current day, the folks that continue to state this are really insecure, want to feel like they are chosen ones and are trying to gatekeep something that is accessible to all.

In fact, continuing to spread this message is toxic and harmful.

Tarot cards are open to all.

Although some may study Tarot religiously, Tarot itself is not a religion.

It is a tool for intuitive connection, self awareness and conscious evolution.

If you do not have a deck or oracle deck and are wanting one ( or twenty - lol) please, go and purchase yourself the decks that you feel connected to.

In fact, make a special ritual around your first deck purchase.

Take your time and look at what is available to you. There are so many choices and beautiful creations in the market place.

No one has the right to stop you from taking a step towards your Tarot and Oracle journey.

You CAN buy your own TAROT deck !


Nicole P

#Tarot #Tarotmyths