The Tarot Brew Blog
☉☽Wisdom♦︎Guidance♦︎ Inspiration from the CARDS☾
☉☽Wisdom♦︎Guidance♦︎ Inspiration from the CARDS☾

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
The Seven of Pentacles Tarot card meaning is what I like to think of as a call in on our manifesting journey. This is message you need to hear if you feel stuck or like your manifestations are not happening as you thought they would

The Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
On the most recent episode of the Cafecito and Tarot podcast I offer a deeper meaning into this card and the reason why the medicine of this card is so important.

The Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
One of most favorite cards in Tarot is the Two of Swords.
The Two of Swords, the gift of indecision.
I offer you a few thoughts that I put together about the meaning of this card. I find that this is a card of empowerment and strength. It may be uncomfortable or challenging when we are in this energy, I want to acknowledge this

The Devil Card Meanings
The Devil Card. I, along with many, often cringe when I pull this card. Even though I know that the Devil card brings forth a multitude of meanings, I still feel a light tensing in my body when the good old devil shows up. I mean, just look at the card - a big ass devil demon behind two naked humans who are leashed around the neck.

The Knight of Wands Reversed
This morning I drew the Knight of Wands reversed.
I wanted to have more context to this Tarot card so I grabbed my Arcana of Astrology deck and pulled the first quarter moon card . The first quarter moon brings a message of trust.
A message that Good THINGS are to COME.